Regional Clinical Hospital No. 1 named after S. V. Ochapovsky (Krasnodar, Russia)
YSAR+ ensured implementation of the Radiological Information System (RIS/PACS), which allowed to fully automate work of diagnosticians and increase quality of services rendered. Usage of Version 3 of the Radiological Information System (RIS/PACS) has significantly widened the range of possibilities for specialists' work with images obtained in the course of diagnostic examinations.
The JEMYS medical information system was implemented in the Regional Clinical Hospital No. 1 named after Ochapovsky for the purpose of keeping electronic health records, IT-backup of treatment and diagnostic process, and automated gathering of statistical and financial reporting.
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The Medical Information System consists of interrelated functionalities including the following modules:
- Automated workplace of Hospital's Registration Desk employee;
- Automated workplace in Paid Medical Services Room;
- Automated workplace of Hospital Doctor;
- Automated workplace of Instrumental Diagnostician;
- Automated workplace of In-Patient Section Doctor;
- Automated workplace of Scientific Researcher;
- Automated workplace for Standard Health Surveys
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The system is implemented in the following sections:
- Registration Desk of Consulting and Diagnostics Clinic;
- Rooms of specialists of Consulting and Diagnostics Clinic;
- Regional Allergology Center;
- Paid Medical Services rooms;
- X-ray Section;
- Ultrasonic Diagnostics Section;
- Functional Diagnostics Section;
- Endoscopy Section;
- In-Patient Section.
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The JEMYS medical system allowed to reduce consultation time for out-patient clinic visits thanks to increased speed of work related to drawing-up of medical documentation, allowed to plan schedules of clinic's doctors, allowed to inform patients on visit time, simplified day-to-day keeping of health records in in-patient sections, and allowed medical personnel to use the newest data from patients' electronic health records (consultations, data of instrumental examinations and laboratory tests).
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The medical institution's directorate can obtain records at their workplaces, view health records of any patient, and receive detailed statements.
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At present, the JEMYS medical information system is actively used in work of the Regional Clinical Hospital No. 1 named after Ochapovsky, undergoing constant development, covering new areas of work, and allowing to make even more easier the work of medical personnel, thus giving them the opportunity to dedicate more time to those who are the most important: the patients.
E. A. Kurinnaya, Head of the Consulting and Diagnostics Clinic, said: “I would like to note professionalism of employees of JSC YSARr+, who, having put a lot of efforts, trained our personnel to work with the software application and, after implementation of this information system, helped us to increase quality of work, by reducing time for drawing-up of medical documentation and its analysis”.