Russian Oncological Scientific Center named after N. N. Blokhin
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In 2000, YSAR+ equipped and organized (in collaboration with the administration of the cancer-studies center) a computerized classroom.
Implementation of new software version to admission-and-registration desk
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In 2002, specialists of YSAR+ started comprehensive automation of the cancer-studies center's departments. The institution's directorate approved a plan of stage-by-stage implementation of information systems in the center's sections and laboratory. The first to adopt the new system were admission ward employees from the outpatient treatment department of the Scientific and Research Institute of Clinical Oncology.
Automation of Radiological Diagnostics Section
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In 2002, the Digital Radiological Information System with Image Archiving Module (RIS+PACS) was implemented in the Radiological Diagnostics Section of the cancer-studies center; this system ensures display, processing, analysis and archiving of visual information arriving from diagnostics equipment. The system interacts with various types of diagnostic equipment, with possibility of further saving of data to the central digital archive of the cancer-studies center.
Digital operating rooms
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In 2003, YSAR+ ensured implementation of a modern digital system for transfer, processing and storage of video and audio data sent from operating rooms through a computer network to doctors' workplaces and to conference hall.
Infrastructure solution
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In 2004, YSAR+ performed design, installation and startup-and-adjustment works on local area, phone and electrical networks, with a capacity of 1700 users and located within the cluster of the cancer-studies center's buildings.
Pharmacy automation
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In 2005, as part of the center's comprehensive automation, the Pharmacy Information System was implemented. Workplaces were created both within the section and for Senior Nurses and all Department Heads using pharmaceuticals in their work. At the moment, about 300 automated workplaces are in operation on the territory of the cancer-studies center, these workplaces having the Pharmacy Information System installed (including Planning and Economics Department and Accounting Department).
The system's functionality ensures comprehensive automation of not only warehousing stock-taking, but also the process of pharmaceuticals manufacturing.
In accordance with current legislation, the system creates all necessary documentation both for ensuring internal document flow and for uploading required data to external financial and economics software.
Implementation of the Clinical and Expert Commission module
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In 2008, YSAR+ ensured implementation of another medical information system module. This module automates operations of the clinical and expert commission. Using this module, the cancer-studies center's specialists perform expert examinations concerning patient's treatment performed (verification of correctness of patient's diagnosis, correctness of treatment performed, estimation of patient's health condition at discharge, further recommendations).
The Complex of Information Systems (CIS) which ensure daily activities and safety of personnel and patients in Buildings A, B and C.
The company's design department developed a project under the title of the Complex of Information Systems (CIS) Ensuring Daily Activities and Safety of Personnel and Patients in Buildings A, B and C of the Russian Oncological Scientific Center (State Institution) named after N. N. Blokhin; in 2008, this project underwent expert examination and received positive Opinion Statement of the Moscow State Agency for Expert Examinations (MosGosEkspertiza) of the Government of Moscow.![]() |
The company's production departments are performing installation of structured cable network, security and ward alarm systems, access control systems, television and radio network, devices for wireless access to computer network (WF), as well as adjustment of servers and operating equipment for the first section of the hospital building of the Russian Oncological Scientific Center (State Institution), at floors from 7 to 23.
3D-models for oncological neurosurgeons
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In their work, neurosurgery specialists actively use the functionality of Yusar+'s system related to processing and creation of 3D models (reconstructions).
To study specific patient's brain topography peculiarities in more detail, it is sometimes insufficient to have examination data in three separate planes. In these situations, doctors create 3D reconstructions of head and brain surface topography (in general) and specific regions (in particular). Using the shift function, they choose required combinations of tissue densities and, with the help of interactive rotation, investigate the image obtained.
Automation of endoscopy section
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In 2014, YSAR+ ensured putting in operation of a new Endoscopy software and hardware complex, which automates endoscopy section's operations. Version 5.0 of the Endoscopy software (Digital System for Processing and Performance of Endoscopy Examinations) allows diagnosticians to perform controlled video capture during endoscopy examinations with possibility of subsequent processing and saving of data to the central archive of the cancer-studies center. The complex is deployed to 6 automated workplaces. All users of the system completed training.
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