Kursk Region
Under assistance from the National Fund of Women's Health Support, in cooperation with experts from Russian Cancer Research Centre named after Blokhin (within Russian Academy of Medical Sciences), and in cooperation with the leading oncologists of the Kursk Regional Cancer-Prevention Center, a program titled Women's Health and dedicated to prophylactics of breast cancer was developed.
The program is aimed at creation of a comprehensive system of prophylactics and early diagnostics of breast cancer.
YSAR+ was chosen to supply a solution for automation of processes of gathering, storage and processing of specialized medical data during performance of mammography examinations.
As part of provision of technical facilities for the project's testing sites, the Automated System of Remote Tele-healthcare Consultations and the Digital Radiological Information System with Archiving Module (RIS/PACS) were implemented in the Kursk Regional Cancer-Prevention Center and the Zheleznogorsk Municipal Clinical Hospital No. 1.
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The Zheleznogorsk Municipal Hospital No. 2 (Regional Budgetary Healthcare Institution) became the second medical institution of the town of Zheleznogorsk to undergo fully operational implementation of the software and hardware complex including the computer radiography system (JEMYS), the Digital Radiological Information System with Image Archiving Module (RIS+PACS) and the JEMYS Tele-healthcare system with the module titled the System of Descriptions, Recommendations and Statistics of Mammography Screening (SDRS-MS).
Specialists from YSAR+ provided instructions and conducted training on working with the system for medical personnel.
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The software and hardware system implemented makes it possible to exchange data packets between the municipal hospital, the Kursk Regional Cancer-Prevention Center, and Russian Cancer Research Centre named after N. N. Blokhin (Ministry of Health of Russian Federation).
Thanks to active usage of the system, routine work is made easier, skills of diagnosticians at the municipal hospital are perfected, their work becomes more standardized, and self-learning process is facilitated.