

Jemys Endoscopy in operating room

Jemys Endoscopy in operating room

Konstantin Yurievich Ryabov
(Cancer Specialist, Surgeon,
Endoscopy Specialist,
Intervention Medicine Specialist)

The Municipal Clinical Hospital No. 57 is one of the largest multi-profile medical institutions of Moscow with more than 2,000 highly-qualified specialists.

Doctors from Endodiagnostics Section have extensive working experience both with planned and with emergency endoscopy, striving for making examinations high-quality, as quick as possible, and pain-free.

The Seventh Oncological Section (abdominal oncology) of treatment-and-diagnostics subdivision No. 1 of the Municipal Clinical Hospital No. 57 possesses the most modern medical equipment, which allows quick formulation of diagnosis and, when necessary, performance of treatment procedures. The Jemys Endoscopy system is actively used by diagnosticians of the hospital's treatment-and-diagnostics subdivisions both during performance of planned examinations and for ensuring endoscopy operations.



'The Jemys Endoscopy system is an efficient and reliable tool of diagnosticians when solving everyday tasks of examination and treatment of patients. Also, your system complies with strict requirements of modern medicine', said Aleksandr Grigorievich Zhevelyuk (Head of Oncosurgical In-Patient Center (treatment-and-diagnostics subdivision No. 1) of the Municipal Clinical Hospital No. 57, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Cancer Specialist, Highest Category Surgeon).